1. How old are you in five years?
– I’ll be 36, yikes!!
2. Who have you spent at least two hours with today?
– My ex.. he’s the best!
3. How tall are you?
– 1.59, I’m tiny.

4. Which movie was the last you saw?
– I saw «Due Date» – so funny!!
5. Who was the last person you called?
– My mum ;)
6. Who was the last person who called you?
– Øyvind
7. What did the last text you got say?
– «Greit det :)» , from my mum. «Ok :)»
8. Do you prefer calling or texting?
– It depends who I’m calling/texting.. if it’s important I prefer calling.
9. What is your favorite place?
– My home.

10. What is your least favorite place?
– Outside at night, or in the dark in general.. even if I’m 31 years old I’m afraid of the dark.
Always have been since I was little..
11. How many siblings do you have?
– I have 3,5.. hehe. I have three siblings, Erlend (older brother), Maria (sister) and Peter (little brother).. and then i have Julian (steph-brother).
12. What’s the last picture you took with your cellphone?
– A photo of flowers on my kitchentable,
and i posted it on my instagram profile @regineforsund
13. Do you have a pet?
– I have in four days!! A cute maltipoo puppy called Lucy!

14. Are your parents married or divorced?
– Divorced.
15. When did you wake up this morning?
– At 8, but then i fell asleep again and woke up at 9:28.
16. Where are you in 10 years?
– I really dont know. My dreams and hopes died this summer.. I guess time will show.
17. Potato chips or candy?
– Both!! ;)
18. Which YouTube just clip made you laugh?
– Haha, this one.. it’s a guy playing guitarsoounds that fits perfectly on a youtubevideo of a girl eating chili.
So silly :P
19. What’s your best quality?
– Caring.
20. What’s your worst quality?
– That I’m annoyed too easily!
21. What do you wear to sleep?
– Panties..
22. Who do you call when you’re angry/upset?
– My ex or littlebrother.. and then my mum or/and sister.
23. What’s the biggest prize you’ve ever won?
– I won a trip because of the best fashionphoto (wich my littlebrother did of me) to London, and 10 000kroners,
and hotel/flight for 2 persons. Me, and my friend went shopping with Charlotte Thorstvedt in London,
and had lunch together! I won the price from the magazine Costume & Coca Cola, so much fun!
(this was in 2011 i think)

24. What’s the weirdest thing you ever ate?
– That must be some food from our tamil friends, it was a bun and i thought it should be sweet –
but then it was fish and carrot inside, so weird!! (and dissapointing, haha)
25. Do you have any piercings?
– I used to have one in my bellybutton.
26. What are you listening to right now?
– I’m listening to AURORA, talented norwegian artist.
27. Which ice-cream is your favorite?
– Ben & Jerry’s! But i seldom eat icecream..
28. Which dessert is your favorite?
– I love dinner more then the dessert, believe it or not.
But i wont say no to a delicious chocolate fondant ;) and i love carrot cake!!

29. Can you switch oil on your car?
– I dont have the driver lisence because of my disease (and seizures).
30. Do you like coffee?
– Nope. I never drink it, and I think that I’ll never begin either.. I think it taste like poison.
31. What do you prefer to drink with breakfast?
– I wish I could say smoothie or orangejuice, but I must admit that the first thing I drink every morning is coke, cause I always feel sick because of my illness.
I feel like puking all the time, and coca cola is the only thing that I can drink..
and then when I feel a bit better I can make a smoothie or drink some tea,
or even eat croissant and nutella;)

32. Norway at its best?
– I love the fall, the beautiful colours, the temperature and the storms.
I also love the norwegian summer!
33. What’s the last thing you bought?
– I bought a soft and cute blanket to my dog.
34. What have you eaten today?
– A bowl of vanilla greek yoghurt with nuts, blueberries and coconut flakes.

35. Name two historical people who interest you.
– The first person must be Leonardo da Vinci, he is one of the world’s greatest thinkers, artists and philosophers.
I have also always been interested in the native american history, like the indian Geronimo.. I have read so many novels about indians, and watched a bunch of movies.
36. Have you ever been in an ambulance/hospitalized?
– Yes! So many times! I have been ill for 20 years now, so I have quite a health-journal, it’s like a Bible.

37. Do you want kids?
– I did before. I love kids, but for now I’m enjoying to be aunt Regine to five lovely kids.
38. Do you speak any other languages than Norwegian?
– English, and german. And I understand swedish and danish ofcourse.
39. Do you swear a lot?
– No, I dont think so. Or, maybe I say «Oh my God» too often..
40. What’s the last good news you got?
– I was so relieved when I got a letter some days ago. I finally got disability pension because of my health, since I cant work like other people. It was on time , I have been ill since 1995!
41. What do you prefer to spend money on?
– Food is the most important thing, and I also love to buy interior stuff, makeup or clothing..
42. Do you own any valuable jewelry?
– No, and I dont need it either. My jewelery is basically from secrets by b, kate spade and su misura – and I love it!

43. What’s your favorite show?
– Dexter, The Killing, Breaking Bad, Suits, Keeping up With The Kardashians (guilty pleasure) , Homeland ++
44. What are your plans this weekend?
– I’m going to Oslo on friday, meeting my littlebrother Peter and staying a night at the hotel with him and catching up!
On saturday I’m up for a long drive to pick up my dog!!! Can’t wait, it’s so exciting! :)
The first night with the dog will be in a hotel, and then we drive home the next day.
So I’m going to spend a lot of my time in the car this weekend.
45. Can you ski?
– I can, but I hate it. I dont like anything that has to do with snow or winter sports actually..
Yes, I’m norwegian, hehe.. It’s a shame.

46. How can someone impress you?
– I like intelligent persons with alot of knowledge, that always has a answer on things.
I am also impressed if you’re handy, cause I’m not.
47. How many places have you lived?
– Five places. Leirvik i sogn (where i grew up), Norheimsund, Bergen, Oslo and now Førde.

48. Tell us three things that your readers don’t know about you
– 1. I love to write, and in a period I had 320 penfriends when i was like 10-13 years old. I used all my money on stamps, hehe. I had penfriends from all over the world. 2. I sleepwalk. If you didn’t know me you would think I was awake. I can do my hair, eat or even check my phone.. but I’m actually asleep. 3. Even if I make all my food from scratch and can seem to be kind of healthy I LOVE a cheeseburger from McDonalds.. or a kebab a saturday night, it’s the best!
49. What’s the closest thing to you that’s red?
– I don’t like the colour red, so I cant spot a single thing.. but I have a Eva Solo pan with red details inside the cupboard that is next to me.
50. Are you a social person?
– Yes, and no. I’m used to be alone most of the days since I dont work or go to school or have a «normal» life.
I love to spend time with my friends or family, but I prefer to sleep in my own bed. I need alot of me-time.

(I was inspired to do this post from the sweet Cathrine)